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Content funnel: what is it and how to apply?

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You will agree with me: any company that wants to create a strong digital presence to generate maximum results in sales already invests in Content Marketing!

Although this is an obvious statement, attract the attention of potential customers on the Internet and, in fact, turning them into your company’s customers can be challenging when you don’t use best practices, such as content funnel.

By producing content based on the stages of this funnel, your Communication becomes much more personalized and able to generate value.

However, many people still believe that it only works with one content for each step. Here, I want to show you that this is not always necessary. Follow me to understand what a content funnel is and how to apply!

After all, what is Content Marketing?

The first step, before you continue, is to ensure that we are on the same page regarding what Content Marketing is: this strategy consists of attract interested (or future interested parties) in your products or services through content creation relevant — texts, videos, emails, podcasts…

With this in mind, it is also important to know that, at first, the Content Marketing does not directly promote the company, but draws the attention of its target audience through these contents, with the intention of making it an ally that provides answers to questions, solutions to problems and so on.

But if you’ve ever found yourself having doubts that this really works, consider these Dice:

  • 60% of consumers search for a product after reading content about it;
  • 90% find personalized content useful;
  • 70% feel closer to companies through Content Marketing.

Then the Content Marketing makes your brand:

  • Attract potential customers (with different levels of awareness);
  • Grow website and blog visitor traffic, as well as the number of leads and followers on social networks, for example;
  • Educate the market (raising the awareness level of each potential customer);
  • Become reference;
  • Increase sales, retention and customer loyalty.

And look, this is just the tip of the iceberg! To know in depth the results that the Content Marketing is able to provide, access the success cases below and see the strategies that we, from organicwe have already implemented:

Is Content Marketing For Any Business?

I must admit that I know the feeling of coming across research data, cases, testimonials… and, at the end of the day, asking myself: “Okay, but is this all for me?”

If the Content Marketing any business, the answer I have for you is: it depends. Yea! It mainly depends on the context and the your company goals.

Think about it with me: if you need to educate the market, make your brand relevant and thus increase sales and customer loyalty, for example, you can already understand that the Content Marketing fulfills these functions — as long as it is well executed!

Now, if your company already has a recognition, maybe you should focus on other types of Digital Marketing strategies. An example of this is Coca-Cola: do you think it needs to invest heavily in Content Marketing? Not necessarily, after all, you are already a leader, you are already remembered, and you only do that to stay on top.

So, whether it works for your company or not, I repeat: it will depend on your context and your goals. If you think the time is right, to make it happen, you need to think about the level of awareness of each consumer, which becomes much clearer with a content funnel!

Tip: Sell ​​600% more by following (only) 11 steps

What is a content funnel?

“Top, middle and bottom of the funnel”, “ToFu, MoFu and BoFu”… I bet if you’ve never heard of it, one day you will see it around.

This is how, generally, the content funnel is separate:

  • Top of funnel: attraction;
  • Middle of funnel: relationship;
  • Funnel Bottom: Conversion.

Just three steps that, for me, oversimplify the real need to awareness of potential customers – and this is how it ends producing a lot of content without having any results in sales.

Calm down, you’ll understand where we’re going with this! To start, let’s say there are four steps:

  • Learning and Discovery;
  • Problem recognition;
  • Solution consideration;
  • Purchase intention or decision.

Why “intention or decision”? Because, if a company sells products in an e-commerce, for example, the customer can make the decision and buy without having to have contact with it. Now, if the company sells services or has only physical stores, the customer gets in touch with it before the purchase takes place — once again, a matter of context!

All these steps are part of the shopping journeyand you can get to know it in detail here:

Parenthesis closed, the truth is that a myth has been created around the content funnelas if companies should produce content separately for top, middle and bottom of the funnel.

However, according to my experience — which involves creating a lot of content and analysis, especially for Orgânica’s own projects — it happens that the potential customer can go through all stages of awareness in the same content.

This means that you don’t have to produce and distribute top-of-the-funnel content, to produce other middle and bottom content — and, in the third of them, achieve a possible sale.

On the contrary: you might as well create content that transits between top, middle and bottomtaking the consumer from minimal consciousness on a particular subject to purchase intent (in the same content)!

The content funnel, therefore, aims to help guide the consumer through the purchase journey and although there are many versions of it, it should be illustrated as follows:

then structure the shopping journey conceptthink of the top, middle and bottom of the funnel — or as many steps as you need for your strategy — but even if the consumer is entering at the top, don’t waste time in giving them a way to buy or talk to the commercial!

By the way, here at Orgânica, many people have already told us that they asked for a budget and became customers shortly after reading a single article in our blog — well-built, of course!

Anyway, never fail to evaluate case by case because there are even channels and content formats that work best for each stage. Short videos on Reels do Instagram for example, it is natural that they are more superficial (top of the funnel) because they are quickly consumed.

Now, given that your company already has “strategic bases” structured — the ones I mentioned at the beginning of the video above:

Tip: Learn how to use the Inbound Marketing Funnel in your business!

Here is the next step: here are some practical tips for you to apply the content funnel?

Practical tips to apply the content funnel and improve your results!

Think about the target audience that will consume the content

Read this very carefully: the less time you spend thinking about the target Audiencemore content, which will not generate any results, is produced!

For this reason, my main tip is to have the customer focus Above all. Always consider:

  • Who is he?
  • What are his needs, pains, and desires?
  • In which Digital Marketing channels does he consume content?

This is precisely the great difficulty of most companies, because they end up producing content for themselves, which they would like to consume, and forget about the people “on the other side”.

Understand your customer’s buying journey

The funnel — regardless of being sales funnelmarketing funnel, content funnel… — needs to be a customer journey mirror. After all, in the buying and selling process, he is in control! That was understandable, right?

And your part, as a company, is to masterfully manage this customer walk through the journey. As?

If you haven’t watched the video that I indicated before, enjoy my last call:

Another indication that I cannot fail to make to you is this our stuff!

Don’t make more of the same content!

Last but not least, my advice is: don’t make content that any other company could have made — that “no salt” content.

Produce content that is able to teach, entertain and generate desire through your own point of view, experience, stories… — that really has the necessary spices so that, in the end, you can win new customers!

And as you might have guessed so far: this is what we do at Orgânica.

Want to produce content that generates sales? Count on Organic!

It will be an honor to be part of your company’s Digital Marketing strategy. Enough request contact of our best consultants to learn about all our services and receive a Digital Marketing diagnosis free and personalized for you!

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