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10 Email Marketing Best Practices for Boosting Engagement in 2020

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Title: 10 Email Marketing Best Practices for Boosting Engagement in 2020

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to engage with customers and connect with prospects. But with so much competition in the inbox, it can be challenging to get noticed and generate high engagement. To help you succeed in email marketing, we’ve compiled a list of 10 email marketing best practices for boosting engagement in 2020.

H1: Know Your Audience

The first and most crucial step to creating engaging emails is to know your audience. Who are your customers? What are their interests, preferences, and pain points? Once you understand your audience, you can tailor your content and messaging to speak to their needs and resonates with them.

H2: Segment Your Lists

Not all customers are the same, so why should you treat them as such? Segmenting your email lists based on demographics, behavior, or interests can help you deliver more relevant content to your subscribers, increasing engagement rates.

H2: Keep Your Subject Line Short and Sweet

Your email subject line is the first impression you make on your subscribers. To make it count, keep it short and sweet, ideally under 50 characters. Add a touch of personalization or urgency to boost open rates.

H2: Create a Clear and Compelling Call-to-Action

Your email’s call-to-action (CTA) is the next critical element in driving engagement. It should be clear, concise and compel your subscribers to take action. Use action-oriented language, contrasting colors, and bold text to make your CTA stand out.

H2: Optimize Your Email for Mobile

With more than half of all emails now opened on mobile devices, optimizing your email for mobile has become non-negotiable. Ensure that your email is mobile-responsive, loads quickly, and all links and buttons are easy to click on a small screen.

H2: Keep Your Email Design Simple

A cluttered email design can be confusing and overwhelming for subscribers, leading them to hit the delete button. Keep your design clean, simple, and visually appealing, using white space to create a balanced layout and images and color to draw attention to key elements.

H2: Personalize Your Emails

No one likes to feel like a faceless number on a list. Personalizing your emails, addressing your subscribers by their first name, or recommending products based on their previous purchases can go a long way in building a relationship and boosting engagement.

H2: Test and Optimize Your Emails

A/B testing is a powerful way to optimize your email marketing efforts. Experiment with variations in subject lines, CTA placement and wording, images, and copy to see what resonates best with your audience.

H2: Send Emails at the Right Frequency

Find the sweet spot between sending too many emails and not enough. Too few emails, and your subscribers may forget about your brand, but too many, and they may unsubscribe or mark your emails as spam. Determine the ideal frequency that keeps subscribers engaged without overwhelming them.

H2: Provide Value-Added Content

Finally, the best way to boost engagement with email marketing is to provide value-added content that your subscribers look forward to receiving. Whether it’s unique offers, exclusive content, or industry news, make sure your emails provide timely, relevant, and meaningful information.


By following these ten email marketing best practices, you can increase engagement, build stronger relationships with your subscribers, and ultimately drive more sales and revenue for your business.


Q1: What is email list segmentation?

A: Email list segmentation is the process of dividing your email list into smaller, more targeted groups based on demographics, interests, or behavior.

Q2: How do I know if my emails are mobile-responsive?

A: Most email marketing platforms provide mobile preview options or offer mobile-responsive email templates. You can also test your emails on various devices to ensure they load and display correctly.

Q3: How often should I send marketing emails?

A: The frequency of your marketing emails depends on your audience and their preferences. Generally, sending one email per week is a good balance between staying top-of-mind and not overwhelming subscribers.

Q4: What is A/B testing in email marketing?

A: A/B testing involves sending two variations of an email to a small percentage of your email list, comparing their engagement rates and then sending the winner to the remaining subscribers.

Q5: Can personalizing emails really boost engagement?

A: Yes, personalizing emails can significantly boost engagement rates, as it helps to make your subscribers feel seen, heard, and valued.

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