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Micro-moments: what they are and how they can help your company sell

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When we think of Digital Marketing, we can define micro-moments as stimuli that occur in small fractions of time during the customer’s Buying Journey.

With the constant changes in people’s consumption habits generated by technology, the purchase decisions are taken on the spur of the moment and according to specific needs, that is, there is no right time to buy.

In this article we will talk about micro-moments and their importance for increase sales in the virtual scenario. Keep reading and check it out!

Tip: Digital Marketing Strategies: How does this impact my results?

How does Google rate micro-moments?

Recent research carried out by Google point out that 79% of smartphone users want to receive immediate answers when looking for information on the internet. That means you always have to be ready to be found when a potential customer needs you.

Still according to the Googleyou micro-moments can be subdivided into:

  • moment i want to know”: is characterized by the satisfaction of a curiosity;
  • moment i want to go”: when smartphone location tools help people get where they want to be;
  • moment I want to do”: users seek information on how to do what they want; searches range from recipes, make-up tips, hairstyles, decoration etc;
  • moment i want to buy”: are the moments when the user seeks information about a particular product before buying; motivations can be to replace something broken or even to get information about something new.

Watch the video below made by Google and better understand the micro-moments!

What is the importance of micro-moments in Digital Marketing?

At the Digital marketing you micro-moments happen when the consumer looks for a certain information, product or service in the Google before you buy. Digital interactions currently influence the buying process as much as a seller and, in some cases, even more.

Persona surveys and consumer interviews can be very helpful in understanding the Consumption habits it’s from online survey your audience, so your entire strategy must be based on data relevant to your business.

How can micro-moments help your company sell more?

At the digital market, being found is a key point for generating new business. In this scenario, having a website well positioned on Google it is certainly something of great value. For your website to appear among the first options, it must be optimized with SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

By the logic of micro-momentsthis strategy is very efficient, because based on the principle that people seek quick and accurate answers, companies that are better placed in the search engine have a great advantage over competitors.

Here are some techniques that can be adopted to make better use of the micro-moments and increase your revenue:

  • offer a good browsing experience (unpleasant mobile experiences drive the customer away);
  • keep a blog always updated and with relevant information related to your product, service or solution;
  • work on a multichannel marketing strategy that integrates online and offline actions and focuses on immediate lead assistance;
  • use all the data obtained to offer a highly qualified experience for each prospect.

In this article we talk about what are the micro-moments as they are classified by the Google and how useful they can be in a successful digital marketing strategy. Understanding these consumption behaviors is essential for those seeking Increase the sales online and improve the relationship with its consumers.

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