Do you really know what your company’s competitive edge is?

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Have you noticed how Digital Marketing has made it possible for companies of all sizes and niches to attract and relate better with the audience? If, on the one hand, this advantage opened the boundaries of communication between the brand and the consumer, on the other hand, it strengthened competition. To discover your competitive edge you guarantee a better result and more visibility.

What does a qualified lead need to become a satisfied customer? Today the answer is not just about product quality. There must be an identification of the values ​​of the company and the solution offered. The prospect also wants to feel unique, in a true relationship with the brand in addition, of course, to realizing exclusive benefits.

Tip: How to win customers with Digital Marketing!

Would you like discover how to identify the competitive differential of your business? Check out the tips below!

Understand who your audience is

Maybe you’re thinking that this factor is obvious for any Digital Marketing action. Nonetheless, the difference lies in the strategic positioning and you will only be able to achieve it if you listen to the persona. Model your solutions according to the factors that add value. With a CRM and social media monitoring, for example, you can answer questions like:

  • What makes my customers choose my brand?
  • What are the non-negotiable values ​​that make my product stand out from the competition?
  • How does my product (really) help the customer?
  • Can the competition reach the differentials that my business offers today?

Benchmarking and see the positioning of the competition

Now that you’ve figured out what your audience wants and likes, it’s time to know what other companies are offering, Is not it? After all, how can you define a differential without knowing which parameters you intend to stand out from? With the virtual environment, it became simpler to analyze market data and even competitive strategies.

Use benchmarking to find out if:

  • Your product outperforms technologies and market trends;
  • There are bottlenecks of opportunity that can be taken advantage of, but the competition has not yet identified them;
  • Do you have any competitor strategies that can be optimized;
  • Observing the market, its product is still innovative and exclusive.

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Take care of the team to implement the competitive differential

Sometimes it is difficult for employees to understand the business. First, you need to define the positive points that need to be strengthened. Then update and empower everyone involved with the company’s culture.

Thus, your brand transmits the established values ​​in all contacts and service channels. Imagine that your leads to online research before visiting your physical store (which is a trend) and have an integrated experience, identifying your brand. Strengthening the culture aligns with the company’s positioning.

Use SWOT analysis to identify potential opportunities

Also known as SWOT (Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats), this is a tool that crosses internal and external data about your venture. Do you know why SWOT is an important resource?

  • Understand the market technologies that your company needs to follow;
  • Discover what are the unique advantages of your business;
  • Monitor opportunities that can become your competitive edge. As an added value (agility, personalization, among others) or even a technique (service automation or geolocation, for example).

Count on professional support for a more comprehensive view

Have you already identified points that can turn the competitive differential of your business, or even don’t know which one to highlight for your company? Maybe it’s time to count on a Marketing consultancy to have a more secure perspective on your company. In addition to being experienced, an agency is always up-to-date on analysis tools and the market.

O competitive differential, it is very important to strengthen the brand purpose, creating exclusivity and connection with the right audience. Identify the best way to highlight the solutions your company delivers and ensure that the competition will not easily copy your differential. To ensure a clear and optimized view, consult your business.

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