Digital Marketing Analyst: What Does This Professional Do?

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If you open any job classifieds site, you will find vacancies for digital marketing analyst.

And why so much demand? Because we are talking about one of the most important professions for companies that want to invest in online presence.

But do you know what makes a digital marketing analyst? What skills do recruiters expect from him? Why hire him?

I’m Rodolfo Benetti, Strategy Director here at Franetic, and I’m going to help you find answers for those doubts. Come with me! 😉

What does a Digital Marketing Analyst do?

The functions performed by digital marketing analyst may vary from company to company, but they are usually the professionals responsible for taking care of the entire strategic part of the digital campaigns.

To analyze

Starting with the obvious, the digital marketing analyst need to be all the time analyzing the market, competitors, trends and opportunities. It is this information that will serve as the basis for the creation of the strategic planning from the company.

to plan

after the analyst has studied a lot and obtained all the data he deems relevant, it helps to define the persona and to plan the actions of the campaign Digital marketing.

He will also be responsible for delegating the team roles, which is why this professional needs to know a little bit about everything. After all, even if he doesn’t perform all the tasks, he dialogue constantly with designers, social media, copywriters, traffic managers, sales executives, among many other professionals.

To develop

Defined persona and assigned roles? It’s time for the digital marketing analyst put the plan in action!

To monitor

Some questions he needs to accompany are:

  • Are social networks engaging?
  • Is the content well done and being delivered on time?
  • What are customers saying about the company?
  • Is the internal team having difficulty at any stage of planning?


Analyze whether the key performance indicators (KPIs) are good, if the results of the campaign are within what was expected of it and if the investments are generating return (ROI).

Tip: Understand the relationship between ROI and Digital Marketing

To correct

If things are not going as planned, the digital marketing analyst will have to do settings in planning.

Qualities of a good Digital Marketing Analyst

Well, now that we’ve seen the functions, it’s time to get to know the qualities that companies look for in a digital marketing analyst:

know how to communicate

How will you be in frequent contact with other professionals, analyst you have to know how to dialogue, convince, expose your opinion and debate with the team.


Delegating roles, reporting, identifying and correcting problems are tasks that require a lot organization.

like to study

We saw that the analyst Digital marketing need to understand the basics of everything and, as we are talking about an area that changes all the time, it is necessary that the professional is always updated.

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Don’t be afraid of the numbers

If you thought you were going to get rid of math, you were wrong! To analyze numbers and metrics — in Google Analytics, for example — is part of the routine of the profession.


Noticing when a team member is unwell and trying to help is a fundamental quality for anyone who deals with people.

be resilient

There is no magic formula in Digital marketing. Therefore, it is common for results achieved are not what was planned, at least initially. It is up to the analyst take the time to work around problems and help the team overcome them.

How to become a Digital Marketing Analyst?

You don’t necessarily have to go to college to be a good digital marketing analystprovided that it proves to have knowledge in techniques such as lead generation, email marketing, SEO, social media or, better yet, have successful cases to prove that you can deliver results.

However, having a University graduate in areas such as Advertising, Marketing and Administration, it will definitely help a lot. Not to mention that many companies require this qualification.

Another important point to highlight is that you need to understand people. I’ve seen a lot of journalists become great digital marketing analysts for having that quality.

Oh, and of course: study hard! look for good courses about traffic, Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing and also learn about sales.

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What are the advantages of an analyst for a company?

Research shows that most Brazilian companies have started to invest up to 30% of their turnover in digital transformations.

That means that the Digital Marketing Strategies are gaining more and more weight in business decisions, and who is precisely the professional responsible for taking care of this planning and ensure that the investments bring back? By now, you should already know the answer. himself: the digital marketing analyst!

No matter how small the company, if it has a marketing departmentit is very likely that there is at least one digital marketing analyst. That’s because they are versatile, multitasking and understand a little bit of everything.

On the other hand, the analyst cannot be tasked with doing everything alone. Its main function, as we have seen, is to plan and to monitor the work of other professionals.

Is that professionals these are? Copywriters, designers, social media, traffic managers, content analysts…

In summary, the ideal is that the functions are performed by specialists in each area and that the digital marketing analyst be responsible for moving between all of them and coordinating the actions of the strategic plan.

Meet Digital!

Suit marketing department in your company, one person for each task helps a lot, but think about the amount of time would spend to train this team and costs would have.

Therefore, outsourcing Digital marketing of your business can be a great idea. Here at Franetic, for example, we have experts in content, website creation, social media, copywriting, anyway… strategy that you need!

Are more than 13 years of experience, serving customers from the most varied segments. This helps us to have a preview of what goes right and what goes wrong in the Internet and adapt the planning for each scenario. Want proof? Here are some of our sucess histories! 💚

And in case you want to know more about our digital marketing agency and speak with one of our consultants, just access the banner below:

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