How can macro and micro influencers help your company?

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With greater internet access, the buying process has changed. As consumers, we seek a variety of information before placing an order. We analyze the company’s website, compare offers and look for customer testimonials. At that moment, the macro and micro influencers which can bring great information and help in the decision making.

Therefore, in this article, we will talk about who these influencers are and how they can help your company increase sales. Check out!

What are macro and micro influencers?

You’ve probably seen some digital influencer and you may even have already taken action under his influence, even if you don’t know it!

You influencers they are people recognized by a lot of people. They carry a legion of followers and use the digital resources to always be in contact with your audience, showing news, trends and new experiences.

as examples of influencers we can mention Whindersson Nunes, Kéfera and Felipe Neto, who are very successful with their YouTube channels.

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How to use influencers?

You macro influencers they are people who have a very large and heterogeneous audience. Companies that have this type of target audience can benefit by using them to show their products, news and curiosities, increasing knowledge and generating greater engagement with the brand. However, because it has a greater reach, the investment to have this type of disclosure can be a little more expensive.

already the micro-influencers have a more specific audience. O market niche it is more restricted, but this allows for a closer and more solid relationship. If your company operates with a target Audience with very narrow characteristics, this type of influencer. Other than that, the micro-influencers usually require less investment, being ideal for those on a tight budget.

To partner with these content producers, it is important to know the language, the means of communication used and the people affected. This analysis makes it possible to verify if there is a compatibility of ideas and applications.

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What are the benefits of using influencers?

Expand brand awareness

When you, as a company, create a post on social media, showcasing your products or services, the audience can understand the message and the campaign can have a good effect. However, your opinion is not impartial. in the case of influencers is different!

This neutrality makes the messages more believable. It is a recognized person, close to the public, talking about a product that he knows.

So this action can attract a lot more people. In addition, this brand awareness is enhanced by the large number of followers, who may have contact with the company for the first time.

Generate greater audience engagement

Another important point is in engagement. The public will have greater interaction with the influencer. He can raise questions, ask fans to take a certain action, and thus raise the bar. Engagement with the brand.

Use of creativity

Normally, the influencers have a great ability to use the creativity. Each video released by them is composed of interesting ideas, forms of expression and even games that involve the audience.

Creativity generates greater viewer connection, creating a more free and fun communication.

Are we going to use influencers in your company?

As we saw in our article, the use of macro and micro-influencers can generate great results for your company. These people have the power to raise big discussions quickly, which can increase brand awareness, generate more engagement and use all the creativity at your disposal.

You micro-influencers they have a smaller number of followers, but the relationship with them is closer, which can generate very interesting effects.

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