Online shopping is preferred among Brazilians even after the reopening of trade

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Convenience, practicality and prices are the main reasons that lead to the choice, reveals research promoted by NZN Intelligence

The last few years were marked by the closing of physical stores as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and measures to prevent and combat the virus. At the same time, e-commerce has expanded its capacity to meet a growing demand, which has become even more concrete in the context of the health crisis. As a result, e-commerce is the preferred model for 64% of respondents in the survey conducted by NZN Intelligence in August 2022, with the aim of understanding consumer preferences when it comes to shopping online or in physical stores.

The reasons that lead the majority to choose to consume in online stores are diverse, among them: convenience and practicality (60.5%), attractive prices (60.5%), possibility of checking other people’s evaluations (33.7%) and variety of stores (30.5%). On the other hand, those who choose to make their purchases in physical stores, which are taken into account are other factors, for example: possibility of seeing or trying the product (48%), prompt delivery (39%), free shipping (27%) and even the fear of buying in e-commerces (9%).

Another curious fact is that, among those who prefer the digital market and claim to research before making the payment (87%), most search for information in reviews by other users and on specialized websites.
Users were also asked what to expect in online store advertisements. In this criterion, the majority, 70%, stated that the technical specification in the product is essential. Meanwhile, 53% take into account reviews from other consumers; 35% look for the pros and cons; 24% want to have access to the manual and use it and, finally, 16% prefer to get information through the FAQ.

Regarding the post-pandemic increase in online shopping, 32% said it “increased a lot”, with 27% saying “little increased”, 26% remained the same and 15% decreased.

How much do those who buy online want to spend?

When we talk about amounts to be invested in online purchases per month, 37% said they were willing to spend more than R$300.00. While 19% declared having an amount between R$150.00 and R$300.00 available; 17% would spend up to R$50.00; 14% responded that they consider the amount between R$50.00 and R$100.00; and, finally, 13% said they were willing to spend between R$100.00 and R$150.00 on an online purchase.

The survey also collected data on which products people tend to buy the most over the internet. The question allowed for more than one answer and, therefore, the ranking of consumer favorites was as follows: electronics (60.8%); Clothing, shoes and accessories (42.4%); Household appliances (34.8%); Others (29.1%); Home products (decoration) (22.5%); Travel (19.7%); Beauty products (18.8%); Furniture (16.4%); Sporting goods (16%); Food (14.9%); Cleaning products (6.8%).

data composition

When it comes to gender, 68% declare themselves to be male, 20% female and 10% prefer not to respond. As for the age group, 33% are between 18 and 24 years old; 25% between 25 and 34 years old; 16% are between 35 and 44 years old; 12% are between 45 and 54 years old; 8% are between 55 and 64 years old; and, finally, 6% are over 65 years old.
Regarding education, 43% studied until graduation, followed by those who studied until High School (33%), those who did Masters/Doctorate (15%) and, finally, those who studied until Elementary School with 9% .

For the CEO of NZN, Tayara Simões, online shopping tends to increase and companies that have not yet connected or expanded their operations to digital will not follow this movement. According to Taynara, it is necessary to communicate, to create a link between the company and its public. “Brands that grow in the digital world are those that perpetuate their relationships beyond the internet,” she says.

The survey was applied through a form on the TecMundo website, one of NZN’s proprietary verticals, which collected demographic data on age, gender and education, in addition to specific responses on consumer behavior. It is worth mentioning that some questions allowed more than one answer, since one alternative would not eliminate the other.

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