Tech professionals are more in demand in retail, says Revelo

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Analytical thinking and innovation are essential for an increasingly growing area

The advancement of technology has brought with it new tools and job opportunities. In addition to modifying the traditional tech areas, the retail market has also increased its demand for professionals to handle activities that involve numerous functions. Creation of systems, use of artificial intelligence and even data encoding are some of the possibilities of action in this area.

For those who want to have more chances to pursue a career in this area, Revelo has listed the three most sought after technology professions by companies in the retail sector on the platform. Check out:

Software engineer

This professional is responsible for the design, development, testing and maintenance of systems, applications and programs. In this area, the person in charge applies engineering principles and programming language to develop solutions that fulfill specific functions. Activities range from designing and maintaining software systems, managing software projects, to architecting the structural design of programs and writing and testing code. Today, the remuneration of a Software Engineer varies between R$ 4,130.00 for juniors and R$ 8,068.00 for seniors, depending on the language base, knowledge, skill, work model and experience.

Senior Backend Developer

Behind the scenes of retail, the Back-end Developer is the specialist who works on the invisible part of a website, application or program. The professional can also act in the movement of information between the system and the server, such as data storage, security and other functions that are not visible to the user. For this role, technical knowledge and analytical thinking are indispensable skills. Among the main responsibilities, we can highlight: creating a database for websites, applications and programs, as well as analyzing and interpreting statistics and data, evaluating efficiency and speed, and correcting faults and bugs. The average salary for the Senior level is R$12,000.

data scientist

As there is still no academic training for this role, many people from the fields of Statistics, Economics or Computer Science work in this profession. The basis of the tasks uses data to decipher, understand and explain phenomena, such as patterns of behavior, opinions and web searches. Through the organization and analysis of information, it is possible to help the company make important decisions, customize algorithms and even offer better customer service. Among his responsibilities, the Data Scientist develops models and algorithms to predict results, works in the implementation of data tools, such as Python and SAS in data analysis, and helps in the search for patterns and trends in data sets. The salary can vary between BRL 6,750.00 for juniors and BRL 10,229.00 for seniors, depending on the language base, knowledge, skill, work model and experience.

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