What is the Growth Pyramid?

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This is Guilherme de Bortoli and in this post we will end the series about Natural Marketingour new work methodology!

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How does the Growth Pyramid work?

The solid ground, the firm foundation of market-leading businesses is a well-made and well-applied business strategy. Vision, mission, market objective, purpose, the causes it embraces, all of this is very clear for the entire management of the business. And for those who participate in each internal process too!

Attitudes that clarify these guidelines maintain the health and business structure, solid foundation for growth compared to your competitors. And they are the starting point of strategic marketing, where the answers to the questions are:

  • What is the problem that my company solves?
  • who are the people who have this problem?
  • where are these people?
  • What can I offer to solve this problem in terms of product or service?
  • at what price?
  • Does this price reflect the value I offer?

With a well-designed strategic marketing plan, then actions can be focused on digital marketing, participation in events, advertising and much more. These actions must have as their main objective unite the company’s strategic vision with its customers generating value and connection and then generating sales opportunities.

Tip: Understand how Natural Marketing helps put your brand in people’s hearts

Sales contexts can be varied. The commercial contact can be through e-commerce, service with commercial team or physical store. It is important to understand that the purchase journey, when applying the Natural Marketing methodology, brings customers more aligned with the goals and purposes of the brand. Soon, they also arrive at the final decision more connected to their business and more likely to do business.

Promise and delivery

During the analysis that led us to identify the positive impact of the business strategy in the digital marketing results, we also found the factor that most has negative effects on different companies. Because it did not have a solid business base, delivering what the brand promised was often unfeasible.

This type of problem is very harmful to the maintenance and loyalty of customers. And it happens in the most different forms of sale!

Therefore, in addition to developing an innovative methodology in digital marketing, we also started to work with business orientation, applying strategies that, up front, promote the success of the marketing plan.

Customer Success is one of those pillars! Today we offer consulting and training for the application of a corporate culture focused on customer success. This is the same methodology used by fast-growing startups taking large shares of the market in a short time!

Do you want to integrate to make your company continue to grow and reach the leadership of your market? Click here and learn about Natural Marketing!

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