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Mastering Send Classification in Marketing Cloud: A Comprehensive Guide

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Mastering Send Classification in Marketing Cloud: A Comprehensive Guide

Marketing Cloud is an all-in-one digital marketing platform that helps businesses to create and execute successful marketing campaigns across multiple channels. One of the most important features of Marketing Cloud is Send Classification. Send Classification is an integral part of email marketing that allows you to send emails from different brands or businesses through a single Marketing Cloud account. With Send Classification, you can segregate your emails based on various criteria like brand, customer type, preference, etc. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll be exploring how to master Send Classification in Marketing Cloud.

Understanding Send Classification

Before we delve into the details of Send Classification, let’s first understand what it is. In simple terms, Send Classification is the process of organising your customer email lists based on predefined criteria. Each Send Classification represents a particular set of business rules that determine which customers receive which emails. The criteria defined in Send Classification can be based on several factors like customer profile, purchase history, products and services, etc.

Creating a Send Classification

To create a new Send Classification in Marketing Cloud, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Email Studio tab in Marketing Cloud.
2. Click on the ‘Admin’ drop-down menu and select ‘Send Classification’.
3. Click on ‘Create’.
4. Give your Send Classification a name and description.
5. Select the criteria you want to use to divide your email lists.
6. Click on ‘Save’.

Once you have created your Send Classification, you can start using it in your email campaigns.

Assigning a Send Classification to an Email

To assign a Send Classification to an email, follow these steps:

1. Go to the ‘Email’ tab in Marketing Cloud.
2. Create a new email or select the email you want to send.
3. Navigate to the ‘Properties’ tab.
4. In the ‘Send Classifications’ section, select the Send Classification you want to use for this email.
5. Save your email.

Once you have assigned a Send Classification to your email, Marketing Cloud will automatically filter your email lists based on the criteria defined in the Send Classification.

Tips for Effective Send Classification

Here are some tips to help you effectively use Send Classification in Marketing Cloud:

1. Define Clear Criteria: The success of Send Classification largely depends on the criteria you use to divide your email lists. Be clear about your criteria and make sure they align with your marketing goals.

2. Match Content to Customers: Send Classification is an excellent way to provide a personalised experience to your customers. Use it to tailor your email content to specific customer segments for better engagement.

3. Test Different Send Classifications: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different Send Classifications. Test their effectiveness and make modifications as needed to improve your email campaigns.


1. Can I create multiple Send Classifications for a single email?
Yes, you can assign multiple Send Classifications to an email in Marketing Cloud.

2. How do I edit a Send Classification?
To edit a Send Classification, go to the ‘Admin’ drop-down menu in the Email Studio and select ‘Send Classification’. Select the Send Classification you want to edit and click on ‘Edit’.

3. What is the difference between a Send Classification and a Data Extension?
A Send Classification is a way to divide your email lists based on predefined criteria. A Data Extension is a set of data that contains the email addresses and other customer details. You can use Data Extensions with Send Classification to create targeted email campaigns.

4. How do I track the performance of my email campaigns using Send Classification?
Marketing Cloud provides detailed analytics for your email campaigns, including data on open rates, click-through rates, bounces, etc. You can use this data to track the performance of your email campaigns and make modifications as needed.

5. Can I automate Send Classification in Marketing Cloud?
Yes, Marketing Cloud allows you to automate Send Classification for your email campaigns. You can create rules and criteria that ensure your emails are sent to the right customers at the right time, without any manual intervention.

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